Nutritionist Sufia Helen | Radio & BTV Bangladesh
Nutritionist Sufia Khatun Helen is a Nutritionist in Dhaka. Her qualification is BSc (Hons), MSc (DU), Food & Nutrition. She is an Obesity & Critical Diet Consultant in the Department of Food & Nutrition at Anwer Khan Modern Medical College Hospital. Sufia Helen | Nutritionist Sufia Helen | Radio & BTV Bangladesh
She is a Nutritionist at Radio Bangladesh, Director (Health & Nutrition), JAUK. Program Co-Ordinator (Health for all). Nutrition Officer, Popi-Shohardo Program. She regularly provides treatment to her patients.
Practicing Hour of Sufia Helen at Anwer Khan Modern Medical College Hospital is 10 am to 5 pm (Saturday & Thursday).
She was a former Nutritionist and Dietitian at Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK), Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is one of the best nutritionists in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
She attended different health awareness programs and seminars as a speaker. She was also invited to TV programs on various TV Channels like BTV, ATN Bangla, Ekattor TV, Doctor TV and Health talk shows to educate people about leading a healthy life.
Diseases like Diarrhoea, Cholera, and Jaundice are commonly caused by various pathogens. These diseases are cured either by various medicines prescribed by Doctors or naturally resolves within due course of time. However, chronic diseases like Diabetes, Heart disease, Kidney disease etc. are becoming more prevalent nowadays. These diseases are sometimes hereditary and sometimes caused by poor lifestyle management and food choices. At the same time, these diseases can be kept under control by changing lifestyles and adopting proper foods. She is a Best Obesity & Critical Diet Consultant
If you are looking for a Bangladeshi diet plan with a chart to get rid of various diseases you are at the right place. A healthy balanced diet will improve your quality of life and keep your medical conditions (diabetes, blood pressure etc.) in control.
She is here to help you to guide you to a better and healthy life. You may see her patient’s reviews on the website page below or on Facebook Page and Youtube. Click For More Details.
Sufia Helen | Best Obesity & Critical Diet Consultant
Chamber: Anwer Khan Modern Medical College Hospital
Location: House-17, Road-8, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Schedule: 10 AM – 5 PM (SAT – WED)
For an Appointment Call Us: at 10652 | 09678010652